
Product Demo Hype Video

Organization: BundlAR
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What was the client need?

The client requested a short video that they could use to drive excitement and engagement with their product. They wanted to highlight the key features and functionality while displaying actual use cases and practices in the tool. The video was to be used on their website and at client demonstrations and conferences.

How did ProMobile decide on a treatment?

Given the need for impactful and easily shareable content, we determined that a hype video would be most beneficial to the client.

What was challenging, unusual, or interesting about this project?

Our brilliant video developers received administrative access to the BundlAR tool and took the time to learn the foundational functionality of the platform. This enabled them to creatively present the platform’s features, strategically highlight the case studies, and clearly communicate the benefits of the tool to potential customers.

What was the resulting benefit to the client?

This video was used at over a dozen conferences to introduce the audience to the BundlAR platform. It continues to be one of the key pieces of BundlAR’s introductory information when they present to potential customers.