
Tag: Vision

Dare to Choose

Several years ago, I worked with a large organization in the midst of some substantial structural changes. Over the course of several months, as we re-created their entire foundation and processes, we came together to develop agreements about what we believed was necessary for each individual, and by extension the organization, to be successful. I have held on to this and shared it many times since. Dare to Choose … Continue readingDare to Choose

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How Would You Answer?

We spend a lot of effort and energy attempting to define leadership and the characteristics of a good leader. I have always felt that history is one of the best teachers. More than 40 years ago, President Kennedy spoke about his vision of what makes a true leader by asking 4 basic questions. I have had this quote posted or around my desk for the better part of my career and have always done my best to live up to the ideals so clearly identified in his vision. It is plainly evident to me that when we see leaders who are not successful or who are facing difficulty in creating the environments they want, whether at work or elsewhere, we can look to these questions and almost invariably find the flaws in their behavior. “When at some future date the high court of history sits in judgment on each one of us, recording whether in our brief span of service, we fulfilled our responsibilities to the state, our success or failure in whatever office we may hold will be measured by the answers to four questions: … Continue readingHow Would You Answer?

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