
How Will You Lead?

How Will You Lead?

Management literature is filled with all sorts of definitions and descriptions of leadership styles and behaviors. Whether you read The One Minute Manager, The Leadership Imperative, or The Consultative Approach, the same basic tenets apply.

Those who are visionary, flexible to changing environments, and who provide their teams with the flexibility to excel in their particular strength areas will invariably find success. Those who provide unclear directions, change directions frequently, communicate poorly, and either berate or ignore their staff will almost certainly be miserable failures. Given that, and the fact that literally thousands of books on (presumably good methods of) leadership exist, how will you choose to lead? 

I want to first emphasize that leadership behavior, like all other human behavior, is a choice that we make. Though born or raised with certain innate characteristics, we each have the ability to decide how we are going to interact with others. Every day you are given the gift to wake up and decide on your mood, your outlook on life, and how you will treat those around you. The first step in becoming a good leader, or more specifically, a leader who encourages the best in her employees, is to decide to bring a positive, supportive attitude to work. The rest tends to flow from there. People who are generally positive and upbeat, even when facing obstacles and challenges, typically find that they can accomplish more, more efficiently, and more creatively than leaders who rule with an iron fist or who are overtly negative.

Like so many other parts of our lives, leadership starts with attitude. And only one person can create and foster your attitude…YOU! Start down the path to making yourself an exceptional leader. Decide to bring the best of you to the game, and you will surprise yourself with just how productive and effective you can be.

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